Online Tools for Filmmakers
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Would you use free online tools to help assist you in developing a budget for your movie ?

2. What part or parts of the budget creating process do you find the most problematic ?
3. The Budgeting Wizard would help you create a professional movie budget. Please indicate how likely you would use the Budgeting Wizard.

4. Please indicate how likely you would use a wizard that helps you create an Investment Package in Adobe PDF format to share with your potential investors?

5. Please indicate how likely you would use a Local Actor Database within the site that shows availability and daily pricing of the actors.

6. How likely would you use an online "Call Schedule" that you can automatically share with your actors and crew?

7. Would you be willing to upload your finished movie screener to be available for distributors?

8. Do you feel it would be helpful to receive feedback from distributors on your movie?

9. Would you change your movie based on the distributors' feedback?

10. Please tell us what kind of features you feel would be most useful during your pre- and post production phase.
11. Please tell us what tasks you struggle with the most during your production (aside from never having enough money)...
12. Please tell us your age (optional)

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