Clifton Presbyterian Church Preschool Survey
3-Year-Old Program

Please answer the following questions as if you have a child age eligible for the three-year-old class next year.

   Currently our class for three-year-olds is a two mornings (9:00-12:00 am) a week program.

   In choosing a preschool class for your three-year-old, please rate the following options:

  1 (most preferred) 2 (second choice) 3 (least preferred)
A two mornings a week program
A three mornings a week program
A four mornings a week program
4-Year-Old Program

Please answer the following questions as if you have a child age eligible for the four-year-old class next year.

    Currently, our class for four-year-olds is a three mornings (9:00-12:00 am) a week program.

    In choosing a preschool class for your four-year-old, please rate the following options:

  1 (most preferred) 2 (second choice) 3 (third choice) 4 (least preferred)
A three mornings a week program
A four mornings a week program
A five mornings a week program
A five afternoons a week program
5-Year-Old Program

Please answer the following questions as if you have a child age eligible for our older fours and five-year-olds class.

   Currently, our afternoon class for older four-year-olds and five-year-olds is held Mon-Fri from 12:30-3:30 pm.

   Please rate the following options:
  1 (most preferred) 2 (least preferred)
Keep the class Mon-Fri 12:30-3:30 pm
Have the class Mon-Fri 9:00-12:00 am

Created with Survey Software.