Tickle Video Producers - Great Previews
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. How often do you provide a short free video preview of the videos your produce for sale? *

2. After planning, shooting, editing and posting a video, how much of a hassle would you say it is to produce a preview video for customers and the forum members? *

3. When producing preview videos, what do you MOST try to avoid? *

4. What is it that you really try to accomplish when producing a preview clip? Please add your store name at the end of this answer so the readers can identify with your videos. *
5. What kind of feedback do you really want from the forums on your video previews? *
6. Anything you'd like to say to the readers?
7. What is your store name? *
8. What is your store(s) web address(es)? *
9. What is a valid email address to reach you at (about this survey)? *
10. What is the web address or embed code for your preview video to be included in this article? If no embed, email the preview video to darke_james@yahoo.com. It must be no larger than 9 megs.
Thank you for participating in this survey. I hope you enjoyed the collaborative effort intended here.

James Darke - ShyAndWildTickling.com - darke_james@yahoo.com

Created with eSurveysPro.com Survey Software.