Video Sharing Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
This survey is being used to conduct research on various video sharing websites and their respective users' habits.

Most of the questions below are required except free-form questions. We would appreciate your responses to all of the questions.
1. How often do you visit video sharing sites like YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, etc? *

2. Do you have the ability to create videos that could be uploaded to a video sharing site (i.e. have access to webcam, video camera, etc)? *

3. Have you ever uploaded content to a video sharing site? *

4. If a video site like YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, etc, were to host content competitions whose winner's video would be prominently featured, would you compete? *

5. What are your general thoughts regarding video sharing websites?
6. Please share any additional comments that come to mind.

Created with Survey Software.