This product allows users to charge their Smartphone, iPhone, or iPad, while they continue to use their device.
Answers marked with a * are required.

The product works in 30 minute increments. Each 30 minutes would give you 2 hours of charge in your device.The device would be available at the bar in pubs for a small fee per 30 minutes.

(30 minutes = £1, 1hour = £2, 1hour 30minutes = £3 etc)

On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being not likely and 10 being very likely) were would you rate the likeliness of you using this product if it was available in a pub.



Some places would require a deposit as well as payment for your required time using the product. If a deposit of £5 was required would this change your response from above?

3. If you are not likely to use our new product, why not?

4. What would make you more likely to use our new product?
5. Do you like the design of the product?

6. This product does not work when you leave the premises that supplies the service. What public places would you be most likely to use this.

7. If you were low on battery and heading to "Pub A" but the realised "Pub B" had this service would you change your mind to "Pub B" or stick to "Pub A".


Do you regularly use trains or undergrounds? If yes would you use the product if it was available from a vending machine at the station?

£10 for the product would give your device our maximum amout of charge (8 hours of charge in your device).

On returning the device to a vending machine (a day, a week, a month later) you would get back £5.

9. Have you seen anything similar to this in a public place?

10. If you have comments about the product please feel free to write them here.

Created with Survey Software.