PraiseWalker: Walking for physical and spiritual health.
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Do you exercise regularly? *
2. What is the one thing that often gets in the way of your exercising regularly? *
3. What would you most like to know about exercise? *
4. Do you have a regular quiet time or meditation time? *

5. If yes, what elements are part of that time?
6. Would you consider yourself to have a vibrant relationship with God? *

7. What is the one thing that most often gets in the way of your relationship with God? *
8. What is your diet like? *
9. What is the one thing that gets in the way of eating a good, healthy diet? *
10. I wish to prepare two different e-courses:

One that will create a series of healthy habits upon which to build a healthier foundation (i.e. no diet plan, no real exercise plan, and no "quiet time" plan, just habits that will allow you to move into those directions later)

A second one that will build on the first plan and help you slowly create a physical and spiritual plan for wellness. This second one will be much more involved with specific actions to take in each of these areas, but will be simple enough for anyone to follow (much like what you've seen on my site so far, but more refined)

Trouble is, I need a really catchy name for them. I thought about things like "Fitness for Flabbies", or "Getting Whole" but they're dumb. Do you have any ideas? *

I'd call the first one
I'd call the second one
11. If you would like a FREE copy of BOTH courses as a thank you for your time, please give me your name and e-mail address (Note: this information will be used ONLY to send you a free copy of the courses. It will not be used to send you newsletters, updates, or other information from PraiseWalker, nor will it be sold, rented, or otherwised shared with other people. I respect your privacy because I also hate spam!)
My name is:
My e-mail address is:

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