Questionnaire for WAP service users
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. First Name *
2. Last Name *
3. Sex *
4. Age group *
5. Residence *
6. Occupation *
7. Do you possess a mobile phone *
8. If the answer to question 7. was Yes, what is the brand name of your mobile phone

If the answer to question 7. was Yes, is your phone WAP enabled (i.e can access internet)


If the answer to question 9. was Yes, do you surf the internet using your WAP enabled phone


If the answer to question 10. was Yes, how long have you been surfing the internet


If answer to question 10. was yes, How often do you surf the internet per day


If answer to question 10. was yes, what WAP services among the one listed below do you usually use ( here you can select multiple answers)


Do you feel any hindrance when inputting or composing some text while accessing WAP services


How do you find the quality of data displayed when accessing WAP services


Do you feel any hindrance with the size of your mobile phone while accessing WAP services


Do you feel any scrolling hindrance while navigating through WAP pages using your mobile phone


How do you find the connection speed when accessing WAP services


Created with Survey Software.