Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Please state your profession *

2. Do you use BCT's Professional Training Standards 1st edition (BCT, 2012)? *

3. If you answered yes to Question 2, what do you use BCT's Professional Training Standards 1st edition (BCT, 2012) for? Tick all that apply.
4. If you answered no to Question 2, why don't you use BCT's Professional Training Standards 1st edition (BCT, 2012)? Tick all that apply.
5. BCT is considering producing a 2nd edition of the Professional Training Standards. How likely is it that you would use these in the future? *

6. If BCT decides to publish a 2nd edition of the Professional Training Standards, in what format(s) would you prefer to use them? *

7. If BCT go ahead and produce a 2nd edition we would need to recoup the costs of staff time. How much would you be willing to pay for a hard copy of the 2nd edition of the Professional Training Standards?  *

8. If BCT decides to publish a 2nd edition of the Professional Training Standards, would your organisation consider sponsoring the production of a hard copy for sale? *

9. If you answered yes or not sure to Question 8, please leave your name and email address so that we can contact you about this.

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