Mobile Apps, Smartphones & Shopping
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Overall which shopping experience do you prefer the most? *

2. Explain your answer. *
3. Do you regularly check an online retailers new in section to find the latest items?

4. Do you like having items presented to you from retailers and brands that have been chosen specifically for you based on previous items you have selected and shown an interest in? *

5. Do you share what you buy on social media or what you are wearing? Such as Instagram posts, tweets to brands or any other social media style post. *

6. If you see someone wearing something you like on social media do you ask them where its from? Or try and track it down yourself? *

7. Do you prefer sites that offer more visuals (images) on social media such as Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr? *

8. Do you follow brands and retailers on social media? *

9. Do you regularly read and/or follow blogs and street style accounts? *

10. What type of blogs do you read or follow? Tick all that apply.
11. Do blogs and street style have an influence on how you dress? *

12. Are you interested in what celebrities wear and do they influence how you dress? And who would you say is your celebrity style icon? Please explain your answer. *
13. Do you use search engines to search for fashion apparel (clothing), news, and styling ideas? *

14. Do you think hashtags are an easy and effective way to search and tag things on social media? *

15. Do you think internet search engines are the easiest and quickest way to search for something and find the answer? *

16. How do you keep up to date with the latest trends? Tick all that apply. *
17. Which of the following do you own? Tick all that apply. *
18. Do you download apps on your smartphone? *

19. Are you male or female? *

20. How old are you? *


Created with Survey Software.