The causes of traffic jam
Answers marked with a * are required.

What is your age?


2. What is your gender?

3. Do you think that there is a relationship between the gender and the traffic jam level?

4. Do you have a license?

5. Do you think that the variety between the driving cultures of the drivers may affect the traffic?

6. When you go to the university, what do you use as transportation?

7. Have you ever been late of an important event like exam, work, appointment…etc because of a traffic-stuck or jam?

8. What is the main factor that causes the traffic jam, in your opinion?

9. What are the other causes as you think?
10. Have you ever been the cause of a traffic jam?

11. If yes, please give us an example of the reason:
12. Do you think that if there is a better and enough and public transportation, the traffic jam will be little?

13. If there is a perfect metro web created over Abu Dhabi, do you consider it a good or effective solution for traffic jam?

14. What are the other solutions for the traffic jam in your opinion?

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