ComicList Quality Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. What is your overall level of satisfaction with ComicList?


2. What do you like best about ComicList?
3. What do you like least about ComicList?
4. If the thing you like least is the navigation of the site-- if you find it hard to find what you are looking for-- please post the URL of a web site, comic book related or not, that has the kind of navigation you desire.
5. How do you receive the ComicList new releases list?

6. What other ComicList services do you use?

7. Do you prefer the complete stories on the home page, or would you prefer the beginning of each story with a "read more" link to click on to get the entire story?

8. What comments would you like to leave for Charles LePage and the rest of the ComicList gang?

Created with Survey Software.