The Akumalian Reader Survey
A response is required for all questions
1. Once you receive notification of the monthly issue of The Akumalian being available, how long before you read it? *
2. The December 2008 issue of The Akumalian was somewhat on the longish side. What do you think about the typical/average length of the The Akumalian?

3. The Akumalian tends to cover a fairly broad range of subject matter. What do you think about the typical content material? 1 is "Don't like." and 5 is "Fantabulous".
  1 2 3 4 5
Monthly Facts
Akumal Council
Comings & Goings
What's New Around Town?
Local News
Sky info
4. The Akumalian is currently structured as one long page whereby you have to read/scan through the wole issue to see what is included. The Staff is looking at a new format for 2009. TOC = Table of Contents. What do you think of these alternatives?

5. The December issue of The Akumalian introduced used a YouTube video for one of its stories - RICHARD ATTACKS LOBSTER CLAW. Why didn't you go to YouTube to view the video RICHARD ATTACKS LOBSTER CLAW?

6. How often do you use the Akumalian Telephone Book on the web site?

7. If you do use the Akumal Telephone Book, which section do you tend to use?

8. What about you and the Akumal Telephone Book?

9. In one line, what do you think about The Akumalian?

Created with Survey Software.