Nursing Job Diagnostic Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. I have almost complete responsibility for deciding how and when the work is to be done. *

2. I have a chance to do a number of different tasks, using a wide variety of different skills and talents. *

3. I do a complete task from start to finish. The results of my efforts are clearly visible and identifiable. *

4. What I do affects the well-being of other people in very important and meaningful ways. *

5. My manager provides me with constant feedback about how I am doing. *

6. The work itself provides me with information about how well I am doing. *

7. I make insignificant contributions to the overall service my employer performs. *

8. I get to use a number of complex skills on this job. *

9. I have very little freedom in deciding how the work is to be performed/assigned. *

10. Just doing the work provides me with opportunities to figure out how well I am doing. *

11. The job is quite simple and can be repetitive at times. *

12. My supervisors or coworkers rarely give me feedback on how well I am doing the job. *

13. What I do is of little consequence to anyone else. *

14. My job involves doing a number of different tasks. *

15. Supervisors let us know how well they think we are doing. *

16. My job is arranged so that I do not have a chance to do an entire piece of work from beginning to end. *

17. My job does not allow me an opportunity to use discretion or participate in decision making. *

18. The demands of my job are highly routine and predictable. *

19. My job provides few clues about whether I'm performing adequately. *

20. My job is not very important to the company's survival. *

21. My job gives me considerable freedom in doing the work. *

22. My job provides me with the chance to finish completely any work I start. *

23. Many people are affected by the job I do. *


Created with Survey Software.