Northern Utah Motion Picture Studio Online Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Optional (questions that do not apply to you may be skipped)
2. If you currently rent a practice space by yourself or with a band how much do you pay? (storage units don't count)

3. Based on the list of audio/video facilities we plan to offer at discounted rates for renters at this studio: How interested would you be in renting a 24hr production studio space?

4. How much do you pay approximately for your recording services currently per hour with an engineer? (not applicable if you do your own recordings)

5. How much do you pay per song for your professional mixing services?

6. if you do all your own audio recording how much have you spent on recording equipment, acoustical treatment, studio construction, etc.?

7. Have you ever wanted to do a professional recording but felt like you couldn't afford to go to a professional studio?

8. How interested would you be in doing an internship at a recording studio such as this one?

9. If you run an audio business (recording, mixing, mastering, video) where do run it from?

10. With this facility and infrastructure in place, can you foresee filming in Northern Utah?
11. How important is it to have all services located in one place?
12. Do you feel that a full service studio is needed in Utah?
13. Do you feel that the described studio could meet your production and post needs?
14. Are the current services provided in Utah adequate?
15. Approximately how much do you spend annually on post and production services? *

16. What best fits your job description (select all that apply)
17. How interested would you be in doing an internship at a "film" production studio such as this one?

18. Any other input would be great.

Created with Survey Software.