Organic Garden Survey January 2013
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. What region do you garden in?                    

2. What do you want to learn more about?
3. Are you wanting to grow more food than previous seasons?

4. When it comes to our gardening content on social media, which do you prefer? (You may select more than one)
5. When it comes to rainwater collection, do you collect in? (you may choose more than one)
6. What age range are you?

7. With the products that have been used/featured on The Wisconsin Vegetable Gardener YouTube Series, which ones have you tried? (you may select more than one)
8. When it comes to weeds in your garden, how do you typically control them? (you may choose more than one, but choose your most commonly used method)
9. When it comes to gardening, when do you typically plant the most?

10. For those who preserve food by canning, approximentally how many jars to you fill and store on average in a year?


Created with Survey Software.