Answers marked with a * are required.
1. I feel welcome when I enter the school.
2. The school schedules parent/teacher conferences in a flexible way so that I can attend.
3. I know what the School-Parent Compact is.
4. The School-Parent Compact provides a meaningful way to communicate with my child’s teacher.
5. Teachers regularly communicate with me.
6. My calls, emails, or notes to school staff are answered promptly.

7. I have access to and regularly use email.
8. I prefer teacher communication to be:
(you may select more than one answer)
9. I feel knowledgeable about the school’s expectations for my child.
10. I know how to help my child with his/her homework.
11. My child receives additional academic help when needed.
12. I feel knowledgeable about what is going on at the school.
13. My child has been identified as gifted and receives additional enrichment activities.
14. The school provides our family with workshops or informational events.
15. The school asks our input on family workshops and events.
16. I have been encouraged to volunteer at school.
17. The school provides our family with parenting resources.
18. The school asks for my input about my child and how he/she learns best.
19. I feel that parents are involved in decision-making at our school.

20. I have been invited to participate in school planning such as the school improvement plan, the Title I plan, parent involvement policy, etc.
21. I feel knowledgeable about the Title I program.
22. I feel knowledgeable about our school’s status as a Title I Schoolwide school.
23. I feel that my child has made adequate progress over the course of this school year.

Created with eSurveysPro.com Survey Software.