Pet Care Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Please enter your zip code: *
2. Please tell us about your living arrangements:

3. Please tell us your age range: *

4. Please tell us about your income range.  Include income from all sources and all members of your family: *

5. Please tell us how many pets you have:
  1 2 3 4 5 6 or more
Small animals
6. Please tell us the age of your YOUNGEST pet in each category:
  Under a year old 1-3 years old 4-7 years old 7-10 years old 11-15 years old 16-20 years old Over 20 years old
Small animals
7. Please tell us the age of your OLDEST pet in each category:
  Under a year 1-3 years old 4-7 years old 7-10 years old 11-15 years old 16-20 years old Over 20 years old
Small animals
8. In the last year, where have you purchased supplies and equipment for your pet(s)?
  The most Often Occasionally Rarely Never
Grocery Store
Large Pet Store (Petco, PetSmart, etc)
Discount shop (BJs, Costco, Walmart, Target, etc.)
On line
Small/Local Pet Store
9. How much do you spend on pet supplies (food, toys, supplements, equipment) in a typical month?

10. Please tell us what services you have used for your pet(s):
  At least once a month Several times a year Once a year Occasionally, but not regularly Only if my pet is sick or has a problem Tried it but would not use again Never tried it, but would consider Not interested
Dog Walking
Anmal Communicator
Pet Sitting
Pet Taxi
Pet waste removal
House cleaning service
11. How much do you spend a month on pet services (like those listed above):

12. How much is cost a factor in deciding whether to use a pet service?
13. What types of veterinary services have you used?
  In the last month In the last year In the lifetime of my current pets In my lifetime Never
Eye specialist
Other specialist
Private Practice Veterinarian
Heart specialist
Infectious disease specialist
Mobile Veterinarian
Veterinary Hospital
Veterinary Emergency Center
14. How much have you spent on veterinary care for your pets:
  Nothing Less than $100 $100-$300 $300-$500 $500-$1,000 More than $1,000
This month
This year
Last year
15. As of this moment, do you consider  your pets:
16. Have you ever missed work because of your pets' health issues or needs?

17. If your employer provided transportation for your pet to appointments, without charge to you and with a qualified professional whom you trusted, would you use that service?

18. Have any pets you have owned died while you owned them (check all that apply):
19. If yes, what was the cuase (check all that apply):
20. Did you miss work to care for your pet in the last days of his or her life?

21. Did you miss work in the first week after your pet's death?

22. Did you miss work as a result of losing your pet in the weeks or months following his or her death?

23. Did you feel like you had adequate support to help you deal emotionally with the death of your pet?

24. If the following services were available to you as and after your pet was dying, would you use them?
  Yes, definitely Only if it were free Probably Maybe Unlikely No way Unsure/don't know
Friendly visiting
Advice hotline
Support hotline
25. Please feel free to write any comments, questions, suggestions or additional information here:
Thank you VERY MUCH for taking the time to complete this survey!

We know you have lots of demands on your time and sincerely appreciate the time you have taken out of your busy day to provide us with this information!

Created with Survey Software.