Shopper Insights and Marketing Community Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. How interested are you in joining an online community designed for Shopper Insights and Marketing Professionals?

2. Please explain your previous answer *
3. When would you be most likely to visit this type of community?
4. What elements would you expect to find in this type of online community?
5. How likely are you to PARTICIPATE in the following activities?
  Would Not Participate Sometimes Participate Participate Often Participate Very Often
Writing your own Blog
Commenting on others Blog posts
Message Boards/Forums
Chat Sessions with Industry Experts
"Webinars" on interesting topics
6. What other activities not listed above would you be likely to participate in?
7. Which of the following motivate you to PARTICIPATE in this type of online community?
8. What barriers would prevent you from PARTICIPATING in this type of online community?

9. If you could wave a magic wand and design your own community, please describe what it would be.
10. Where do you live/work?

11. What type of company do you work for?

12. What is your job function/level?

13. Which of the following best represents the number of employees at your company?

14. What Gender Are you?

15. What is Your Age?


Created with Survey Software.