General Practice Assessment Questionnaire 2014-15
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. In the past 12 months, how many times have you seen a doctor from your practice?
2. How do you rate the way you are treated by receptionists at your practice?

3. How do you rate the hours that your practice is open for appointments?
4. What additional hours would you like the practice to be open? (please tick all that apply)
5. How quickly do you usually get to see your preferred doctor?

6. How would you rate this?
7. If you need to see a GP urgently, can you normally get seen on the same day?
8. How long do you usually have to wait at the practice for your consultations to begin?

9. How would you rate this?
10. When you have phoned the surgery, how would rate the following?
  Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Ability to get through to the practice on the phone
Ability to speak to a doctor on the phone

Created with Survey Software.