Accolade Painting Customer Satisfaction Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. How satisfied were you with the estimation process? *

2. How helpful was the color rendering service? *

3. Did you find the crew to be helpful and knowledgeable during the entire process? *

4. How satisfied were you with the clean-up process? *

5. How satisfied were you with Accolade Painting's overall performance *

6. Please rate the overall content of our website. *

7. Please rate the overall look and layout of our website. *

8. Did you find the information you were looking for on our website? *

9. Overall, how does our website compare to similar websites you have visited? *

10. How did you hear about Accolade Painting? *

11. Please help us improve our services by giving your comments or suggestions.
12. Please enter your information for updates and promotions. (optional)

Created with Survey Software.