
How long have you been using mobile phone?



What are your reasons for using mobile phone?

3. Do you think prolonged use ( use under long period) of mobile phone would cause health problem e.g Cancer *

4. What Brand of mobile phone are you using now? (You can tick more than one option) *
5. Why do you choose this phone? ( You can tick more than one option)
6. How often do you change your mobile phone? *

7. How many mobile phone(s) do your family have? *

8. Are you satisfied with the overall performance of your mobile phone?
(Please enter 1 for very unsatisfied while 5 for very satisfied)


What causes you to change your current mobile phone?

10. How much money can you spend for mobile phone? *

11. Your Name :
12. Your Gender : *

13. Your Age : *

14. Your Occupation : *
15. What is your expectation from future mobile phone? *

Created with eSurveysPro.com Survey Software.