Luxury Automobile Purchase Survey
1. What is your age?
2. What is your nationality?
3. Gender
4. Level of education

5. What brand of car do you own?

Other (Please Specify)
6. When was the car purchased?

7. From what venue did you purchase the car?

8. Didi you enjoy the buying experience?
  1-Very much 2- 3- 4- 5-Not at all
9. Did you research the car before going to the dealership?

10. If yes, through what channels did you do the research?
11. Is this the first time you have purchased a car?

12. If no, have you previously purchased a car from the same brand?

13. If no, have you previously purchased a car from the same dealership?

14. If no, have you previously purchased a car from the same sales person?

15. Have you kept in contact with the sales person?

16. Would you say you have common interest with your sales person?
  1-Strongly agree 2-Agree to some extent 3-Neither agree or disagree 4-Disagree to some extent 5-Strongly disagree
17. Please indicate your attitude towards the sales person
  1-Strongly agree 2-Agree to some extent 3-Neither agree or disagree 4-Disagree to some extent 5-Strongly disagree

Created with Survey Software.