Are Cashless Stadia a Good Idea
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Do you think using a top-up card instead of cash in a football stadia is a good thing? *

2. Would you approve if your own club issued a top-up card for use in the football ground? *

3. Would you be prepared to pay £10 per season for the card if it offered you other discounts greater than £10 over the season?  *

4. Would you be prepared to pay £10 per season for the card without discounts if the money was benefiting your football club? *

5. How satisfied would you be if, for whatever reason, funds were taken from your top-up account by a third party i.e. not the footbal club?    *

6. Would you like to receive the results of this survey? If yes please type your e-mail address in the Other (Please Specify) box below.


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