Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Do you live in the NOW (not worrying about the future or holding onto the past)?
2. Your car breaks down: what is the first thought that comes to mind?

3. You see your dream car. Which sentence, when spoken, will result in you owning that car. Please tell us why you chose a or b.

4. Based on your past experience, do you believe you are not financially rich, not rich in love relationships, or not happy with your physical self because:

5. When you are at work how often do you experience pure passion (lose track of time) in what you do?
6. How does being thankful work in your life?

7. When you choose to forgive, what are you really doing?

8. When you give your time and/or money to someone of something, do you expect to receive something back?


9. How do you feel at the end of the day in your current environments with Friends, Work and Home?
  Drained 2 3 4 I'm Okay 6 7 8 9 Energized

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