Museum Development Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
We are looking to improve the variety of exhibitions on offer at Gloucester Waterways Museum and would like to know what you think.  Much would be appreciated if you could take a few moments to complete our questionnaire. 
1. Which attractions have you visited in Gloucester in the past 5 years? *
2. Have you ever visited Gloucester Waterways Museum (National Waterways Museum)? *

3. What would make you more likely to visit Gloucester Waterways Museum? *
4. What sort of waterways exhibitions would you be interested in? *
5. The current entrance fee for Gloucester Waterways Museum is £4.25, approximately how much would you be willing to pay to visit the museum if you could see different types of exhibitions? *

6. Is there anything else you would like to see?
7. Thank you for taking the time to complete this.  We would like to keep in touch, so if you would like to recieve updates and information on museum events and activities, please provide your contact details:

Created with Survey Software.