Managing CRC requirements
Answers marked with a * are required.

Managing CRC requirements

As a final year student at HEC, Paris Business School, I am currently conducting a thesis based on the impacts of European regulations on greenhouse gas emissions. My objective is to analyze the various management and measurement strategies employed by British companies subjected to either the Carbon Reduction Commitment ( CRC EES) or the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) towards their greenhouse gas emissions.

As a result of my study, I was hoping it might be possible to ask you to fill out the simple 5 minute questionnaire below.

As a token of appreciation for your valuable time and goodwill, I am more than happy to share with you the results of my study should I gather enough of a representative sample. And know that by answering, you are considerably helping a student graduate and finally transition to the work world!

In addition, should you be willing or have the time to go beyond this simple questionnaire and discuss these issues over the phone, I would be more than happy, not to mention grateful, to give you a call. Please don't hesitate to send me a mail at should this be the case.

Last but not least, should you feel that someone else in your organisation is a better fit for this type of questionnaire, please do not hesitate to forward this link directly to them.

In the hope of receiving a response, thank you for your time, help and consideration.

Kind Regards,

Dalma Berkovics

In addition to the CRC regulation does your company also have to comply with EU ETS regulation? If so, how many sites are concerned?


2. What has prompted your organization to measure and report on your emissions and/or energy consumption? *

3. Do you need to collect, measure and report data beyond UK borders?

4. Which departments of your company are involved in managing CO2 emissions? *
5. Does your organization currently manage carbon allowances and/or credits? *

6. Which department(s) of your company are involved in managing quotas?
Please reply to this question if you have replied yes to the previous question
7. What tool do you currently use to collect and consolidate emissions data? *
8. Do your current collecting and consolidation systems satisfy your collecting, reporting, and management needs? *

9. How do you plan to manage CRC requirements? *

10. When imagining a GHG / energy accounting and management solution, how important would you rate the following criteria? *
  Not important at all Rather important Very important Necessary
Ability to integrate with or into other sustainability or EHS programs
Integration with Half-hourly meters
Integration with CRC online reporting system
Ability to provide other external reporting capabilities (i.e. CDP, GRI, etc.)
Compatibility with ERP software
Ability to estimate organization position on CRC league table
The integration of a best practices library
Ability to Forecast future emissions levels based on acquisition and cessation activities
Financial impact simulator
Carbon allowances and credit management capibilities
Objective and task management capabilities
Ability to benchmark site or industry performance
11. Please list any additional important solution features that you deem necessary or helpful to manage carbon or energy issues within your organization
12. Does your organization currently allocate a budget for carbon and/or energy management requirements *

14. Do you have or plan to create a specific CRC task force within your organization? *

15. Your company's industry *
16. Company Size *

17. Company Turnover (in £million)

18. Company name

Created with Survey Software.