Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Do you like doing new things?


2. Have you ever had a bad day and found that you were living the bad experience days or weeks later?


3. Are you open to the idea of understanding why and how to change it?


4. Have you ever felt that there is more to life's purpose than what I am doing right NOW?


5. Have you ever had a childhood dream that you would like to complete?


6. Would you like to improve your current relationships in your life?


7. Have you ever made lots of money and then wonder where it all went?


8. Would you like to be more in tune with who you really are?


9. Do you like to be around positive and empowering people?


10. Do you have goals in your life that feel impossible to reach?


11. Do you have a lot of passion in your life?


12. If there was one area of your life you would like to create more of, what would it be?

Created with Survey Software.