Telecommuting Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Considering the definition above, do you currently work from home either part or full time (i.e. telecommute)? *

2. Does your employer currently offer you the option to work from home? *

3. On average, how many hours do you currently work per week? (Combine all the hours worked – working from home or otherwise.) *

4. Of those hours, how many are spent working from home? *

5. Do you feel you are more or less productive working from home? *

6. Do you feel your work life balance has improved or worsened by working from home? *

7. Do you feel your satisfaction with your job has improved or worsened by working from home? *

8. Would the option to work from home influence your decision to accept a new job? *

9. On average, how many hours each day do you spend commuting to your job using your own means of transportation or public transportation? *

10. On average, how many miles each day do you commute to your job using your own means of transportation or public transportation? *

11. When working from home, how is the extra commuting time used (the time NOT spent traveling to work)? *

12. What age group are you in? *

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. Please click the 'Finished' button once you have chosen all of your answers.

Created with Survey Software.