Exams Feedback
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. TeacherĀ“s Name *
2. Level: *
3. Number of Students: *
4. Hour: *
5. Days class meets: *
6. What specific things would you change in the exam? List the exam (1st partial, 2nd partial, final exam), section (multiple choice, reading, etc.), and problem number. Then rewrite what you think would make a better question. Follow these steps for each correct you feel is appropriate. *
7. How difficult were the exams for the students? *
8. Did exams cover what you presented in class? Explain. *
9. Was the level of the exams appropriate for your students? Explain. *
10. What was the reaction of your students toward the exams? *
11. Was the type of questions used in the exams appropriate for evaluating your students? Explain. *
12. Additional comments regarding the exams: *

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