Friends of Somersworth Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
To help guide the conversation regarding the development of a proposal for the reuse of the Hilltop School, it is important that we define what the group means by a "cultural arts center" or a "mixed-use" building for the community. These terms encapsulate our broad discussions for the reuse, but in order to take specific actions toward achieving a viable plan, we need to define specific goals we are trying to accomplish. The information gathered in this survey will be used to guide the discussion at our next group meeting.
1. What is your vision of a cultural arts / multi-use center? What does it house? What takes place there?
2. What groups, organizations or activities to you see using and benefiting from access to group space in the building?
3. What are your thoughts for use of the property outside of the building? What does it look like? How is it used?
4. How do you see the establishment of a cultural / multi use facility benefiting the business community?

Created with Survey Software.