Neighbors program at Galilee Foundation for Value Education
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Gender
2. Age group

3. I found the introduction balanced and fair
4. I learned new facts or perspectives from the introduction
5. I found the introduction interesting
6. This was my first meeting with Israeli Arabs
7. I found myself able to communicate reasonably well with the Arab participants
8. I felt that the conversation was open and honest
9. I learned new facts or perspectives from the conversation
10. The experience caused me to rethink some of my views
11. I heard things that made me upset or angry
12. I would have liked to have more time, for a more in-depth conversation
13. I enjoyed the program
14. I feel that the overall program was worthwhile for me
15. Is there anything you would like to add?
If you would like to send us photos you took during the program, please mail us

Created with Survey Software.