Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Where are you from ?

2. How old are you ?

3. how long have you been playing drums ?

4. What's your music style ?

5. Which current manufacturer do you think makes the best cymbals ?

6. The cymbals you own mostly come from which manufacturer ?

7. How many cymbals do you own ? (please count hi-hat as one)

8. How many cymbals did you buy in the last 6 months ?

9. How many cymbals do you plan to buy in the next 6 months ?

10. What's the next cymbal you're going to buy ?

11. Let' say you want to buy a 20" ride that fit your needs. What's your budget for it ?

12. Where do you buy your cymbals ?

13. What's the first thing you bought after buying your drumset ?

14. What is your preferred size for a crash ?

15. What is your preferred size for ride ?

16. What is your preferred size for a splash

17. What is your preferred size for a china ?

18. Do "artist endorsment" matter to you ?

19. Do you know how cymbals are created ?

20. Let's talk cymbal manufacturing : what is your preferred cymbal hammering technique ?

21. Do you think these different hammering techniques make a difference in the overall quality of the cymbals created ?

22. Do you feel informed enough about the real manufacturing process of your favourite cymbals ?

23. What do you like the most about fully hand hammered cymbal ?

24. How many fully hand hammered cymbal do you own ?

25. Have you ever heard about Roberto Spizzichino ?

26. A cymbal's price mostly depends of

27. Do you like cymbals that are kept unlathed or are just partially lathed? (lathing is when the sound grooves are cut into the cymbal. This process also define the cymbal's final shape)

28. Thank you for taking the time to answer this survey ! Do you have anything to add ?


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