Answers marked with a * are required (Compulsory)
F1. Which academic programme are you undertaking at NUST *
F2. In which academic year are you? *
F3. What is the mode of instruction for the course you are attending?  *
F4.  What do you want to do after finishing university?

C1. Do you have an interest in starting your own business *
C2. If yes, why have you not done it yet?
C3. Would you be interested is acquiring skills in entrepreneurship at NUST outside the mainstream university degree programme to help you start your own business? *
C4. Are you willing to pay an additional amount on top of your tuition fees to attend the entrepreneurship course? *
C5. What time will be suitable for you to attend this course? *
C6. What would you want to gain out of the course?

Perception on Entrepreneurship as an alternative career choice
D1. I know of Namibian Entrepreneurs who are successful *
D2. If yes, mention one name
D2. I would rather become self-employed than work for someone else *

Demographics information will help us to identify the students.
E1. Gender *
E2. Age Group *
Thank you for completing the survey