Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Personal Data: *
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Personal Email
2. Education Information:
Degree #1
Completion year
Degree #2
Completion year
3. Employment Details:
Company Name
Current Position
Corporate Email
4. Please select the corresponding course:
* If you qualify for a Special Discount we will automatically deduct it from the total amount due.

(Prices include VAT)

5. FRI offers a 25% discount to All FRM Part I Re-Takers (of the past 2 years maximum).
Please specify if you are a Re-Taker:
* Note: To qualify as a Re-taker you must send us by email a copy of your previous FRM failed exam results for the same Part that you are registering to now OR a copy of your registration to the previous FRM exam for the same Part that you are registering to now.

6. Please select your preferred material package: *

7. Please specify if you would like to order the Texas Instrument BA II Plus calculator at 60$:
Note that you must have a specific Financial Calculator for the exam (and the courses).
* You can read the GARP Calculator policy in the following link.

8. Please specify your preferred method of payment: *

9. How did you learn about Finance and Risk Institute: *


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