Otlob.com Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.

This survey is intended to study factors that affect e-loyalty of customers/users on the web. Your cooperation as a web user will be highly appreciated and valued. This survey is done for academic purpose and will be treated as strictly and highly confidential. The survey targets online users of Food Delivery websites like Otlob.com. For any clarification, kindly don't hesitate to contact me: shaimaa.badra@gmail.com

Thanks in advance for your time and valuable input.

Shaimaa Badra


Please check the answer that best indicates your view. Choose only one answer

The accuracy of information on Otlob.com is


2. The quality of information on Otlob.com is *

The freshness of content on Otlob.com is


Otlob.com offers me customized experience that suits my preferences & matches my interests


My online queries and complaints are handled efficiently


I did not find it difficult to deal with the website’s language(s)

7. I can easily track the status of my tasks at any point *

The site allowed for maximum interactivity through forums, chat rooms and bulletin boards 


9. Ease of using the Otlob.com is *

Clarity of site organization is

11. Clarity of site layout is *

I think the Otlob.com is Messy

13. I think Otlob.com is Tiresome *
14. I think Otlob.com is Confusing *
15. I think Otlob.com is Irritating *

The usefulness of the services provided on Otlob.com is

17. The convenience of the services on Otlob.com is *

The ability to accomplish what you wanted to on Otlob.com is

19. I think Otlob.com is Informative *
20. I think Otlob.com is Intelligent *
21. I think Otlob.com is Knowledgeable *
22. I think Otlob.com is Resourceful *
23. I think Otlob.com is Useful *
24. I think Otlob.com is Helpful *
25. Otlob.com is trustworthy *
26. Otlob.com has a good reputation *
27. Otlob.com will keep its promises and commitments *

The performance of Otlob.com meets my expectations


Otlob.com can be counted on to successfully complete my transaction


Otlob.com is reliable for finishing the (intended) task

31. I am pleased to be associated with Otlob.com *
32. Otlob.com has a unique identity *
33. I am satisfied with the service provided by Otlob.com *
34. I like Otlob.com *
35. I am likely to visit Otlob.com within the next 3 months *

I will recommend Otlob.com to a friend


I would consider Otlob.com to be my first choice for food delivery services in the future




I rarely consider switching to another food delivery website


The site makes it easy for me to build a relationship with the company that offers this online service


I feel favorable toward the company that offers this online service

41. Please indicate how likely it is that you might use the following internet services:

Electronic mail services

Banking services for paying your bills, making money transfers and balancing bank accounts

43. Financial services for getting trading information on stocks and bonds *
44. Newspaper services for reading a regular newspaper on screen *
45. TV news service for reading the stories of TV network news programs *

Sports services for getting sports statistics and updated sports news

47. Movie services for getting reviews of movie releases *
48. Weather services for checking the weather conditions *

How often do you use the internet?


If you use it every day how many hours do you use it for?

51. Gender: *
52. Age: *
53. Monthly Income (L.E.):

Created with eSurveysPro.com Survey Software.