PerfromFISH FeedEST Tool Feedback
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Did you encounter any difficulty while using the FEEDEST web application? 

2. If yes, please describe the problem encountered.
3. Based on your experience, did the feeding rate recommended reasonable?

4. If not, please can you comment on deviations?
5. Did you use the other FEEDEST predictions (growth, cumulative feeding, waste, etc)? 

6. If yes, please can you comment on usefulness and if you encounter any deviations?
7. Overall, do you see FEEDEST as being useful in supporting your decision-making processes regarding feed management?

8. Is there any other feature you see as important to add?

9. If yes, please could you specify?
10. Please provide any other feedback that you have in the FeedEST tool.
Thank you for your feedback!