Hoofbeats Reader Survey
1. Your Post Code
2. If you would like to go in the draw for the ‘Early Bird’ or range of other prizes then please fill in your details. (for prize draw only)
Phone (incl area code)
3. If I win, my preference for the prize is
4. Are your equestrian interests (you can select more than one )

5. What are the principle breed/s of horse/s you own or use?

6. Are you a member of an association?


7. If you are a member of an equine association, which do you belong to?

8. How long have you been involved with horses?

9. Do you receive riding/horse handling instruction?


10. If yes, is it

11. Does your instructor/riding school have recognised qualifications?

12. If yes, which?


13. Where are you most likely to source information relating to horse care?

14. Have you attended (as a spectator) any major Australian or International event in the past two years or plan to attend this year?

15. Are you interested in reading about these events?



Created with eSurveysPro.com Survey Software.