Windows 7 Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
Windows 7 Survey for Tim's Newsletter
To make sure I cover the right versions of Windows in the newsletter, I'd like to find out how many people use each version of Windows. Rather than guess, I thought it was a better idea to ask!
Which version of Windows do you use on your main PC?
Windows 98
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Another version of Windows
I don't use Windows
Don't know
Do you have another computer and if so, what version of Windows do you have on that?
Don't have another computer
Windows 98
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Don't know
I don't use Windows
If you don't already have Windows 7, how likely are you to get it in the future?
(If you already have it, just ignore this question)
I'm quite likely to buy it for my current PC
I'm quite likely to buy a new PC with it on
I might buy it for my current PC
I might buy a new PC with it on
I'm unlikely to buy it for my current PC
I'm unlikely to buy a new PC with it on
How interested are you in reading about what's new or different in Windows 7?
(Regardless of whether you have it or not)
Not very
Not at all
Anything else you'd like to comment on or suggest?
(NB since this survey is anonymous I won't be able to reply to any questions in here like I could with emails)
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Survey Software