YTD Video Downloader Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
1.  How long have you been using YTD? *

2. How often do you use YTD? *

3. How happy are you with YTD? *

4. Do you have the PRO version of YTD? *

5. If you don’t have PRO, why? 

6. What do you use YTD for? *
7. Did you ever do any of the following in the YTD interface? Please check all that apply. *
8. Which conversion quality do you use most often? *

9. Did you ever have any of the following issues with YTD?  Please check all that apply. *
10. What do you want YTD to do that it doesn’t do today? *
11. What YTD version would you be most interested in: *
12. Do you have additional comments?  (optional question)

Created with Survey Software.