Gaming/Internet Cafe
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Sex? *

2. Age?

3. Where are you located?

4. Is there a gaming/internet cafe in your location?

5. How frequently do you play video games?

6. During a gaming session, how long on average do you play?

7. What type of system do you most commonly play video games on?

8. What would be your main interest when entering a gaming/internet cafe?

9. With the use of a gaming/internet cafe computer, would you most likely be using it for work, or leisure?

10. For General use computing (excluding video games, including Social Media, Streaming and other uses) how long do you spend per day?

11. As a service, how much would you pay per hour for a general use computer in an internet cafe? (Internet, research, streaming videos, online chat)

12. As a service, how much would you pay per hour for a gaming computer in an internet cafe? (Internet, research, streaming videos, online chat as well as high level gaming)

13. If bringing your own device how much would you pay for wi-fi?

14. How much would you pay for a cup of specialty coffee?

15. When would you most likely visit a gaming/internet cafe? If it's more than one, please specify in the "other" section.

16. Would you be more inclined to play video games or use computers are an internet cafe if they had reward/loyalty programs? (Example: 10 hours of use rewards one free hour, free beverage and snack.)

17. Please list your name and contact information for a chance at the prize of $50 dollars. E-mail, phone number or both.
We will not share your information with anyone.
We will only contact you if you win.


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