The Road Lab Roadkill Report Form
1. Date of sighting (DD/MM/YYYY)
2. ​Species​ if unidentifiable report as best as possible e.g. mammal/bird/amphibian/reptile or unknown *
3. Approx. age of animal


4. ​Sex of animal


5. Location (please enter one or more of the boxes).
Grid Reference e.g. ST 18013 77391
Latitude/Longitude e.g. 51.489496, -3.182257
X/Y coordinates e.g. 318013, 177391
Description e.g. in the middle of the crossroads at Park Place and Corbett Rd in Cathays, Cardiff
County e.g. Glamorgan
6. Do you have any additional information?
7. Name and email address
​Your details will not be shared. We use this information for analysis of the number of recorders in an area.

Created with Survey Software.